v11.0 [Sep 22, 2011]
- A new tool to create sub-blocks for APM automatically was implemented. This simplifies the work on large projects as the
manual start of multiple APMs is now automated.
- A new option to start CAP-A automatically once the last APM thread finished is implemented on the APM start dialog.
- A complete new workflow for IMU supported projects was implemented. The workflow is based on the idea to better utilize the
measurements from the IMU. Images are triangulated only at certain time intervals along the flight trajectory. For images in between the
triangulated images the orientation values are interpolated from thenearest neighbors. The big advantage of this approach is speed
improvement as no longer all images are used in the automatic point matching and the bundle adjustment becomes smaller. Nevertheless
the algorithm allows to use all calibration features of ORIMA. Which means the approach still allows to calibrate for misalignment, even
multiple sets, sensor parameters and datum parameters. All that isrequired to use this new workflow is a new way to select images for
APM. The selection is done by time interval, After execution of APM and bundle adjustment the orientation values are loaded into DPW
using Write Orientation. During this download the orientations of the non-triangulated images are automatically computed using a
combination of interpolation together with GPS and IMU observations. Any newly calculated sensor parameters will be
downloaded also. A new tutorial which describes this new workflow is available.
- A new interface to import GPS data into a project which uses a non-LSR coordinate system was implemented. Independent from the
type of project system being used GPS data given in geographic coordinates on WGS84 can be directly imported. This simplifies the
workflow as the GPS or GPS/IMU postprocessing can be standardized to produce output always in geographic coordinates for any type of
project coordinate system. As GPS and IMU must refer to the same coordinate system the same holds true for the import of IMU angles.
- A new option "Meridian Convergence Correction" is available during import of IMU data for non-LSR projects. This allows to import IMU
data where the angles refer to map north instead of geographic north.
- An alternative way to import IMU data into the project is available. Up to now IMU data had to be imported through one of the File menu
Import options. Now if during project creation ORIMA finds exterior orientation values with the status "Fixed" in the LPS block file it
imports these values and stores them into the GPS and IMU data files. For non-LSR projects the imported data will be automatically
transformed into the internally used LSR system. Attention: this imported data does not include time information as this is not
available in the LPS block file. For workflows which require the GPS time this import is not suitable (GPS Drift parameters require time
as input).
- A new algorithm to compute initial values for the bundle adjustment is implemented. This new algorithm is required to support Frame
sensors which are mounted on a platform in the aircraft not looking nadir but at an oblique angle.
- For Frame projects the assignment of GPS profiles is supported by new features. Assigning a profile to each strip is now possible in one
- For Frame projects assigning group IDs to IMU observations is simplified with new features. The new features are especially helpful
for projects flown with multiple cameras mounted on a common platform.
- For Frame projects a new option on the point measuring dialog allows to toggle the views between stereo and split screen while in
measuring mode.
- Image IDs in LPS are always lower case. On import of GPS and IMU data ORIMA converts the IDs to lower case to match the image IDs.
- A new algorithm to compute the adjusted orientation data "odf" for ADS is more than five times faster than the old one.
Fixes the slants and tilts in fast moving videos caused by CMOS sensors.